Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Problem of Comparing FMB (Ora Apps)

Problem - My development team was reconciling some FMB and had lot of problem while comparing FMB, although using third party form compare tool was a good option but unfortunately. They could not be used as per org policy.

Team were running

F60gen with

f60gen USERID=apps/*******module=.fmb module_type=FORM output_file=.txt script=YES

but is was showing lots of binary code.


I improved the command as below and now it is showing pl/sql code in the text file.

f60gen Module=.fmb Userid=apps/***** output_file=$AU_TOP/forms/US/.txt Script=YES
Batch=YES Statistics=YES Module_Access=FILE Parse=YES Forms_Doc=YES

Now dev team is able to compare forms using unix diff command.

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